
Vlogger Shirt

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So I finally got my vlogger shirt. It is awesome. The silk screening is great. It feels velvety. And $5 dollars goto my good friends at node101. Also this is a very important day for me. I feel as though I breaking out of some sort of shell, let me explain.
Today I came home all excitied that my vlogger t-shirt would be here and it was. Then I went to my google rss reader like i always do. There it was, a link to current tv's production how-to section and there was an interview with ira glass. Ira glass is my hero, he tells stories like no other. So I watch the 20-minute interview and I got inspired. basically what he said what that you should work hard toward you goal, make lots of videos, set some kind of deadline for this content, and know that even though what your making may not be at a level that you taste is at, know one day it will get there. Watch the interview your self w/Ira.
Heres to an awesome future. For my first task I'm going to make like a little mini-bio w/ stevie tomarrow. I can't wait to see how it comes out.


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