
Tracks, Clouds, & Grass

Click Here For Video!

I was looking around my ipod and I found this video from the summer of 2005. I shot it when I first got my camera. I thought that I could edit all up for ya, and make it into a neat vlog. Well here it is. Have a Nice Day. I know I had a pretty intresting week. I really need to get out there and meet people. But oh well. Got to goto the holocaust muesuem, that was nice. I've never been there. But then I went to Panera's, which was fun, and next weekend I'm diffently going to talk to people. Well see you around, and drop me an email or something. Peace.


What It Means to "let go"

Yellow Jacket
Originally uploaded by jamacdonald.
To "let go" does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else.
To "let go" is not to cut myself off, it's the realization I can't control another.
To "let go" is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To "let go" is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To "let go" is not to try to change or blame another, it's to make the most of myself.
To "let go" is not to care for, but to care about.
To "let go" is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To "let go" is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
To "let go" is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
To "let go" is not be protective, it's to permit another to face reality.
To "let go" is not to deny, but to accept.
To "let go" is not to nag, scold, or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To "let go" is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes, and cherish myself in it.
To "let go" is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
To "let go" is to fear less, and love more.
~Author Unknown



Tank Stair BW
Originally uploaded by SC Fiasco.
Ok, so this week for me was suppose to be "outsorced week" Meaning that I would go outside and see D.C. and live again. Well here I am on a Friday Night sitting at home. To be fair I've come down with a cold. But I promised my self that I would get out and do some cool stuff. Plus I promised I would bring my camera with me so you could finally see some intresting vlogs. Sorry.
Well anyways, I've started using this thing called Grou.ps (it's a web 2.0 application that converges blogs, google maps, flickr, and del.icio.us. Well I don't know how well this is going to take off But I've started one.
so check it , I guess.
_i got to get ready, i've got to get out of the house.


I Feel Alive!

Pop Portrait
Originally uploaded by jamacdonald.
So Saturday I saw Match Point, I really liked it, powerful film. I think that it was really moving and loved the treachry and seduciton. I don't think that any of the acting deserved a award or anything. But the story and film as a whole was great. Anyways, across from the theater is a coffee/sandwich place. I hung out there after the film. I really enjoyed it there. Tomarrow I'm going to go there tomarrow for lunch and try to mingle with people.
I really understand that I want branch out and meet people. Everytime i'm out and about and run into some one I recognize, it's wonderful because they seem so aproachable to me. When they say hi to me I like.
So me, i'm changing. I'm becoming more confident, I realize that I've had to change my life about after my girlfriend left me for my best friend. But I realize that I will be fine, and It's good that I'm ready now to branch out. This branching out is good for me.
Notice the photo. Yeah, I took that, with my new found self confidence I was able to come up to her and ask her to pose for those photos. I feel so happy and confident in the future. So this is going to rock. I feel good about the future.
Bring on the next weekend, I'm ready to experience the life out there.


The Art of Annoyance

Click here for Video

So today I developed the roll I shot of Lauren. I will put the photos onto flickr soon. I don't know if your reading this but if you are you should know that that banner at the top of the page is actually my flickr streamed live. Pretty cool huh?
Also I am accumulating currently all of the poems I have written this winter, so far I am up to 28. I really like making little videos. And it's so easy with my camera. Unfortunalty I'm scared I am flooding the market with short little nothings. I promise to tune up my editorial powers soon. I really want to get my Stevie Documentary done. I need someone to keep a deadline to.
I am very excited about the future. I've submitted my app for VCU and have a volunteership at the Frank Loyd Wright House here in VA. That's pretty much it for me currently. I have a lot of work to do, and not enough strength to do it all.


My Video Archive

This is My Instant Video Archive. Anytime I add a new Video, It will show up here!

Video archive by Mefeedia

*NEW* Check out my videos of YouTube if your computer doesn't agree with quicktime. Almost always guaranteed to work this way. Check it My YouTube

A More Concise Archive, that though not prettier, does include every video.
It can be found here: http://www.ourmedia.org/allmedia&uid=27498


Vlogger Shirt

Click here to watch the Video!

So I finally got my vlogger shirt. It is awesome. The silk screening is great. It feels velvety. And $5 dollars goto my good friends at node101. Also this is a very important day for me. I feel as though I breaking out of some sort of shell, let me explain.
Today I came home all excitied that my vlogger t-shirt would be here and it was. Then I went to my google rss reader like i always do. There it was, a link to current tv's production how-to section and there was an interview with ira glass. Ira glass is my hero, he tells stories like no other. So I watch the 20-minute interview and I got inspired. basically what he said what that you should work hard toward you goal, make lots of videos, set some kind of deadline for this content, and know that even though what your making may not be at a level that you taste is at, know one day it will get there. Watch the interview your self w/Ira.
Heres to an awesome future. For my first task I'm going to make like a little mini-bio w/ stevie tomarrow. I can't wait to see how it comes out.


Oh dear, it's the web again

Art Anyone?
Originally uploaded by jamacdonald.
So guess what? yup, I watch alot of vlogs now, and I listen to alot of podcasts, so to me traditional media is dead. I use the t.v. to watch the few shows I like, and use my DVR to record them, so then I can burn them to DVD. I use the internet to find out when the premium channels are playing movies I'm intrested in. All in all, see ya traditional media.
With the release of the new MacBook Pro, (by the way, that's a terrible name), everyones computers will now have an isight built into them. I like this because then video confrencing will really come into it's own. However I think that old fashioned audio converstations will still rule the business world, at least will your telecommuting. So speaking of citizen media. How about that youtube.com. To me it's seems like a close resimbilence to flickr for your videos. And who knew that so many teenagers with a digital camera wanted to put videos of themselves on the web. I don't think this is such a good idea. But oh well. Time for tech to come into it's own in this regard. Parents be forwarned, that camera you got you daughter for christmas, yeah, shes putting videos now up on the internet. So keep on trucking world. By the way I hoped you liked the poem i put on about political corruption, it's a rap i wrote in creative writing. Now for another poem, this one about time.

Where has the time gone?
You were there for so long, mocking me with your patience. But now that you are gone I can never retrive you. I am sorry I took you forgranted. You see, since you've always been there I'd grown accostomed to you. I always knew that between one task and the next was you. Somtimes you were the bain of my existance. Making me late but now that I know there is less of you, I grow saddened, you are what seperates life and death. From the moment born, all thier is you, you are what everyone desires. Please time, be kind to me, allow me a few extra breaths of your essenece. Oh devilish time, there was never enough of you. Goodbye world, mine has run out.


One Poem...One Rap

-----Buy this Shirt--Click it---->

Joyful nuances in the fabric of life
waking up to a new day in a new way
living freely with out a safety blanket
blind dates that turn into true love
great late night quick bites of food
warm sheets on a cold winters morning
Mishappenings that change to fortunate events
songs that you remember all the lyrics to
friendships that last forever

Crooked Teeth
Who do you think you are? systematically chosen by a virtue oof democracy, nah just another lucky punk with name recongnition. Thought you had it figured out. An easy little job with real big perks, but nah you had to get corrupt, get alittle on the side, skim off the top, and take cash up front. Now your before committee and there gonna throw the book at you . Now your great name is worth as much as a happy meal. In normal cases there's obvious explusion, maybe a fine, but you won't serve no time. I think just this once will all make an exception , place you in handcuffs and throw you in a penatentury. Didn't think it was important pass that prison fair treatment mandate. Well now the shoes on the other foot, now your just another ward of the state. So heres to all of the other crooked politicians, this is going to stop, right here, right now. Watch ya back 'cause now I'm on patrol, let yourself kown, your digging a hole. Cause one day will find out, and your new friend will be bubba, crooked little teeth, 400 pound, telling you at night, "don't make a sound!"